If any of you are interested in being part of the future of Long Beach please contact the planning department and ask to be added to this list. Your input is valued and requested. Let's work together to make LB even greater than it already is.
333 West Ocean Blvd., 4th Floor Long Beach, CA 90802 Phone: 570.5237 Fax: 570.6205
April 20, 2011
Dear Neighborhood Association Members,
2010 was another successful year for Long Beach neighborhood associations, which helped advance Long Beach’s commitment to enhancing the quality of life within the city. We saw continued successes in neighborhood revitalization, citizen participation, and code enforcement. From your direct involvement in planning projects, your efforts have led to the beautification of our parks, neighborhoods, and street parkways, and enrichment of the overall fabric of our city.
Your successes are related to your many outstanding volunteer efforts and contributions toward the betterment of Long Beach. In 2010, the Willmore City Heritage Association (WHCA) won Neighborhood, USA’s “Neighborhood of the Year” first place award in the category of Physical Revitalization – Single Neighborhood, for restoring a 106-year-old house, saving it from demolition, and helping a local family purchase the home – removing two blighted vacant lots in the process. At one Craftsman Village Historic District’s monthly graffiti removal and neighborhood clean up alone, 200 volunteers removed nine tons of trash and debris from surrounding streets and alleys. This is just one of many similar efforts that took place throughout the city. Neighborhood associations have also contributed to greening efforts by planting trees throughout Long Beach. At the North Alamitos Beach Association’s Neighborhood Tree Planting last July, volunteers planted 35 new trees in the area. And the neighborhood associations also help build community, such as the West East-Side Community Association’s extremely successful annual Halloween Carnival at Orizaba Park where approximately 700 people attended the festivities.
In 2011, the Planning Commission will need your help with our planning processes for now and the future. We are working on our Long Beach 2030 plan, which includes evaluating zoning requirements within the city. Our successes in that effort count on community participation and support. We encourage you to recruit and involve as many of your neighbors as possible to participate in the process.
On behalf of all the members of the Planning Commission, we again thank you for your commitment to improving our neighborhoods.
Charles Durnin
Long Beach Planning Commission
Amy J. Bodek, AICP
Long Beach Development Services