Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Its a CSF!

Please contact Margie directly if you are interested in purchasing sustainably caught fish. If enough people are interested maybe our Farm Box can be a pick up point. Yum yum!!

Hi Fish Folk,

Latest news....Morro Bay commericial fishermen and cable companies awarded us a $10,000 grant in February to grow this program.  They  saw how many SLO County consumers wanted to support our fishermen and think it's worth the investment to broaden their market.

We have delivered 1440 pounds of fish since the 2 1/2 pounds we delivered on June 3, 2010.

We now provide a "fish option" for home and business deliveries of fruits and vegetables in partnership with SloVeg.

We now have a website at

Some of you took the risk of going with this start-up program and experienced our growing pains.  We spent time interviewing the East Coast CSF's and made changes accordingly.  There is still more to do.

Thank you.

Margie Hurd
S.L.O. Fresh Catch
(805) 481-5827