Monday, March 21, 2011

Wrigley Garden - lease expires a lot sooner than we thought!

Hello gardeners and friends of Wrigley Garden-

I just received an email from Patrick Ure from the Long Beach Housing Development office informing us that we must vacate Wrigley Garden by June 1st 2011. Our lease was not signed until September 8th, 2009 and with normal calculations a 2 year lease would have put us at October 1st as we have planned. But according to him and his office since the lease was drafted in June that is when it will also expire.

You are all probably just as devastated and shocked as I am. We have been planning an October move since the beginning of the garden. I know lots of you, myself included were excited to have one more summer season at the garden.

Please stay tuned for the big move to Farm Lot 59. We will need all hands on deck for this. If you have any contacts or suggestions on how to make the move easier please let me know. We will need to move the shed, greenhouse, soil, boxed trees, EVERYTHING. Like I said we were planning on moving but didn't know it was going to be so soon.

Again, I am terribly sorry for the bad news. Thank you for all your participation and hard work. I will keep you posted on progress, dates and any information that comes my way.

Happy Growing!
Sasha Kanno
Executive Director, Long Beach Local