Thank you- Sasha
Message from Tara:
A year since being shut down for selling organic homegrown flowers at local farmers' markets, and things are starting to change...
Thursday, March 25th, 2010

At 8:30am, thirty-some supporters of urban farming came to a public hearing at Van Nuys City Hall to say "YES!" to UFA's Food & Flowers Freedom Act.

Led by Bill Roschen, who called it "a happy day," commissioners voted across the board to allow fruit, flowers, nuts and seedlings to be grown at home for sale off-site - at local farmers' markets for example.
It was a big day for urban farming in LA, and a positive step forward for our local food and sustainability movements.
Angelenos: Thanks to City Council President Eric Garcetti and his team, we are on our way to being able to sell more than our garden-grown vegetables at market. For Silver Lake Farms, there is hope that we can return to market soon with organic, local flowers.
There are a few more official stages to go before the Food & Flower Freedom Act is a done deal. There will be a few more hearings, where public support will be just as critical.
If you support urban farming, CSAs, farmers' markets, and growing your own, then please come to the next hearing. shoot us an email hereand I'll keep you posted on the date.
Thank you so much to everyone who wrote letters of support, and attended the public hearing on March 25th. You rock!
Thank you for supporting Silver Lake Farms.