Sunday, June 6, 2010
Thank You-
Thank you for a super fun First Friday. The $10 Farm Box was a hit. I will be doing those again next month. If you come early to purchase I can hold it for you or I heard a rumor that Ninos would stick it in the fridge if you asked them nicely.

Thank you for a great Sunday Farmers Market. I was there selling hand tied arrangements as well as single stem peonies and lotus flowers. I also had my seed rack which is always a hit. I'll be making another order soon, let me know what you folks would like to grow.
And Thank You to whoever pulled weeds at the Wrigley Garden today. You rock! Tomorrow we will be there from 9-12 pushing mulch around and moving the chicken yard if you want to come back!See you this Friday at the WG for Farm Stand Friday and back again Sunday selling more beautiful flowers and spending time with my friends.
Have a great week.